Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Milestones, Mission Trips, & Hospital Stays

This past month has been full of adventure for us Jarretts! Jack returned home from a mission trip to New York this past Saturday and we were so glad for him to be back! When he was gone, the week did not go as I had planned at all,  but the Lord took care of us. Jack's mom, Karen, came up on Monday to help with the kids and keep me company while Jack was gone. On Tuesday night, Lois was feeling a little warm so I took her temperature and she had a fever.

I took her to Kosair's Hospital, and once we got there her temperature was 101.5. I knew the nurses were concerned, because I was bumped to the top of the list and Lois was admitted right away. It's never a good sign when you don't have to wait at the ER. Immediately, they started drawing blood, doing a spinal tap, and taking more samples. All of this was to see if her sickness was bacterial or viral. Around 4 that morning, Lois and I were riding in an ambulance to downtown Kosair. They continued to monitor her the next couple of days, and thankfully it was just a virus! By Friday, when she was released, we were both pretty exhausted. I was so thankful that Karen had been up here to watch Silas.

Lois also turned 1 month old this month! I took her to the doctor yesterday and even this sickness couldn't slow her down! She was 11 pounds and 23.5 inches long! She was in the 90th percentile for weight and 95th percentile for her height! She is such a sweet little girl. Her eyes are still gray, but I think they will turn brown like Jack's. Her hair isn't as dark as it was when she was born, but it still looks brown. She is making better eye contact, and starting to smile which is the best! She is holding her head up really well. Silas is still doing really good with her. He gives her lots of kisses, and runs to her room when he hears her cry.

I took both kids to the grocery store by myself today for the first time! Lois started crying right as we were checking out, so I say that the trip was a win!

 I'm 1 month old!

Grammie & Silas painting a "Welcome Home Dad" sign.

Lois looks like such a big girl sitting up!

1 comment:

  1. Lois is just precious! So beautiful! I'm so thankful that she is well now. You are amazing to brave the store by yourself with both kids! I'm quite impressed!! :-)
