Sunday, July 15, 2012

So Cliche, But So True!

So many people have passed Jack and me as we're strolling through a store and they say, "Enjoy them when they're that age, because it goes by so fast." We always give a "alright, we will" sort of answer. It is so true though! Silas is 20 months now and Lois is already 2 months, and I can think back to just a few months ago when I felt like I was literally going to be pregnant forever!

Lois had her 2 month check-up this week and she weighed 11 pounds 15 ounces and was 24 inches long. So that makes her a little under the 90th percentile for weight and 95th for her height. She is doing so great! She is very easy-going, and we have been loving all the smiles she's been giving us these past few weeks! Some of her favorite things are her bouncy chair and nighttime. She is a night owl like her daddy. She is definitely partial to Jack at night, because she falls right asleep as soon as he's holding her! She's in size 2 diapers now, and I have started using cloth diapers with her a little bit. She is holding her head up so good, and she is almost a hip baby!

Silas' love for Lois is growing and it is the most precious thing to see. I'll sometimes catch him leaning over her bouncy chair sweet talking to her! He likes to give her high-fives and pound it with her. It is amazing how quickly kids can catch on to things at this age! We started trying to teach him the ABC's with some blocks, and within a couple days he can point out and say some letters!

Jack is about to start his last semester in school! We're in the home stretch. I know it will be such a bittersweet time for this part of our lives to end and to move away from seminary, so we are going to do our best to soak up these next several months!

 Silas & Lois hanging out.

 Silas wanted in on Lois' 2 month pictures.

Sweet girl!

1 comment:

  1. The kids are just precious! You're so right about them growing up so quickly! It's hard to believe our kids are already this big!
