Sunday, March 10, 2013

A Family Update: On the Move

We have some exciting news!!! Jack has accepted a ministry position at his dad's church, The Rock.

Jack, Silas, Lois and I are moving to Florida!!! At the end of this month!!!

It was almost four years ago, that Jack and I got married. Two weeks later we were on the road and headed to Louisville. We have made some of the sweetest memories and friends during our time here. And of course we have our seminary souvenirs, Silas and Lois, that have made our time here just amazing and totally unforgettable! I was reminiscing, and looking through old pictures and videos, and I came across these goodies, so I thought I'd share.

This was our first Thanksgiving as a married couple, and this is the first turkey we ever cooked. I knew it looked different than what mom's turkeys looked like, but only later did we realize we didn't get a whole turkey!

Our first winter, Jack taught me the most efficient way to get down our stairs to the car. 

Our first Christmas!

 Before we were blessed with Silas and Lois, Jack and I would take mini road trips to different places to try different root beers.

 This was the night Jack and I found out I was pregnant with Silas. We celebrated by going over to the Stanford's! 

November 14, 2010... Silas was born, and that sweet boy with the big, blue eyes changed our lives forever!

Finding out that we were becoming a family of 4.

Best. Laugh. Ever.

Waiting as Lois took her sweet time to make her debut.

On May 10, 2012, we got to meet Lois Michelle. Jack describes Lois as "sweetness incarnate" and that's just what she is!

 Lois being greeted by Silas when we brought her home from the hospital. 

Jack's graduation this past December.



  1. What a beautiful montage of your time in Louisville! Can't wait to see you once you get settled in Fl! Any idea where you'll live?

  2. What a very sweet four years it has been for your family! We sure are going to miss ya'll!

  3. As your time is coming to an end here at SBTS...mine is beginning! I just found your blog today and it is amazing to see what the Lord has done for you and your family here in Louisville. My husband and I just got married in June and 2 weeks later were trucking up from Georgia. We are also in Springdale so it is fun to see the best use of space you can do with all these odd angles :) We cannot wait for our first snow and figure out how to get to our car (seeing that Ive seen snow once in my life), our first thanksgiving of just two, first christmas, finally getting a sip of the water here and having our first child, and the Lord placing us in a church to serve. I know this comment is super long but just wanted to let you know how thankful and blessed I am to read your story today.
