Sunday, July 22, 2012

Cloth Diaper Review: Bumgenius vs. Fuzzibunz vs. Sunbaby

The cloth diapering party has begun in our household! I've been using cloth diapers on Silas for several months, and I have just starting using them on Lois. I wanted to try a few brands so I bought a few Bumgenius 4.0, several Fuzzibunz Elite, and 12 Sunbaby diapers. These are all one-size pocket diapers, and I chose these so I could use them with both kids. Here's what I think:

Absorbency: Bumgenius and Fuzzibunz are both really absorbent, more so than Sunbaby. I could double the Bumgenius and Fuzzibunz inserts and Silas could use these overnight, which I was super impressed by! Sunbaby worked really well during the day, but I needed to make sure I changed him every 2 to 3 hours.

Fit: Fuzzibunz was my favorite fit. They have elastic on the inside that is adjustable, instead of snaps on the outside, which makes them not as bulky which is why they were my favorite. Sunbaby would be my second pick because you can adjust the hips a different size than the waist, whereas with BG you can't.

Ease of use: Both Bumgenius and Sunbaby are very easy to use. This is where Fuzzibunz loses me. There are 6 pieces of elastic that have to be adjusted on the inside, and especially with a newborn it took too much time to ever find the right size without getting pee-peed on. :) I wanted diapers that I could easily use between both kids, and so these didn't work for us.

Price: Fuzzibunz and BG are about $18 a diaper while Sunbaby is $5 a diaper.

So who wins?
While I can tell there is a little bit of difference in the quality between Bumgenius and Sunbaby, I really don't think there is $13 worth of difference. Because of the absorbency, Bumgenius would be my first pick. I think, however, if I were to order more diapers, I would order Sunbaby and just use the Bumgenius inserts in them.

Some of my Sunbaby diapers...I've said it before, but I'm a sucker for cute fabric!!!

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