Monday, March 28, 2011

The Challenge.

Silas is four months old and it's time to kick it in gear. Throughout my pregnancy I tried really hard to stay in the best shape I could. Initially, I started working out because that was the only thing that would ease my nausea. But after the first trimester and I started to feel better, I figured why not just keep going. Eventually by the end of my pregnancy, working out consisted of just walking, but it was something. And so here I am. Four months after the birth of my precious son, and I was in better shape when I was pregnant! 

And so here is the challenge.

Jack knows my motivation is little, and so to give me a little nudge in the right direction he has challenged me to run 3 times a week and do a workout tape 3 times a week (Slim in 6). I really hate working out, but if I do this Jack is going to treat me to getting a whole new workout outfit, including shoes! In all actuality I don't really care so much about getting a new workout outfit, he knows I just need something to try to motivate me. 

The challenge begins April 1st.

So, if you have any advice, this would be most helpful since on Friday I did part of the workout tape and I still can hardly walk (aka I'm talking to Kristen Thompson and Christina Caltabiano and anyone else who is in ridiculously good shape).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Laura,

    I just started working out consistently again in February (Turbo Jam) and it has really helped me to have more energy throughout my day. That was motivation in and of itself since being a mom seems to really drain me, as I'm sure it does you! :) Good luck!
